Piper Perabo Got Arrested Today for Protesting Kavanaughs Supreme Court Nomination

I was just arrested for civil disobedience in the Kavanaugh hearings.

Many citizens before me have fought for the equal rights of women. I can’t be silent when someone is nominated to the Supreme Court who would take our equal rights away.#StopKavanaghpic.twitter.com/f3SG7gmVam

— Piper Perabo (@PiperPerabo) September 4, 2018

More than 20 people have been arrested today for protesting the Supreme Court confirmation hearing of nominee Brett Kavanaugh in Washington D.C., and Piper Perabo was one of them. The actress posted a clip of her and several other women being forcefully escorted from the room where Kavanaugh was being questioned by lawmakers. On social media, Perabo has been very clear about her opposition to Kavanaugh’s nomination, and attended the hearing today with organizers of the Women’s March. It seems she is free enough now to be tweeting, so watch out for more civil disobedience.

Piper Perabo Arrested Today for Protesting Kavanaugh
